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    A bit of misfortune

    Emma is due this week! Thursday, Feb 18 is our official day. On sunday evening Thao returned home from work and felt extra tired, and retired to bed while I watched the end of the superbowl. I slept in our guest bed to give her some rest, and the next morning she had the day off but seemed a little sick. She had a small cough, her voice didn’t sound great, and we figured she might need some more rest. By Tuesday she had a fever and was clearly sick. She wondered if it might be covid but I said it was still early. On wednesday she decided to go…

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    Happy Holidays!

    Hope you had a peaceful holiday break. Thao had a week off, and we got into the holiday spirit by opening a bunch of gifts – that we bought for new baby Emma. For the past few months we’ve been receiving lots of packages from our baby registry, many that we ordered and many from friends and family. We squirreled them away in the closet until last week, when T announced it was time to start opening things and finding a place for them. So we pulled out all the boxes and began unpackaging. Thao did a particularly clever thing surrounding a buy buy baby promotion that gifted you a…